Understanding former site uses and
evaluating impacts of environmental media to
move projects forward
A highly regulated environment with ever-changing policies, requires a solid understanding of the costs—in time and money—to evaluate and clean up a site before moving a project forward or even make a property purchase decision.
BSC’s environmental professionals are valued for our expertise in managing environmental issues appropriately to achieve a client’s desired use of their site. Whether evaluating the impacts of contaminated soil or groundwater, hazardous building materials, site remediation, or ongoing monitoring, clients trust BSC for our focused site investigations and sound engineering.
The relationships BSC’s environmental team has built with regulators and develop with project stakeholders continuously contribute to our ability to manage projects to successful closure. We have also had great success assisting our clients with government grant funding applications to further stretch their budgets.

Michael Clark, PE, LSP, BCEE, ENV SP, TPI
Vice President, Environmental Engineering Service Leader
Mike has conducted environmental projects under the regulatory frameworks of CERCLA, RCRA Corrective Action, the Massachusetts Contingency Plan, and various state solid waste and contaminated site remediation programs. He provides environmental and geotechnical due diligence services for a variety of land acquisition and development projects, including commercial scale solar PV on closed landfills and Brownfield sites. Mike has served as outside expert on several cases providing litigation support services. He has extensive experience managing and consulting on environmental, transportation, energy, and land development projects throughout the northeastern US.
Contact Mike at mclark@bscgroup.com.