Town of Lexington Lexington, MA
Spring Street & Hayden Avenue Roadway Reconstruction
BSC Group provided professional consulting services to the Town of Lexington for traffic signalization and roadway reconstruction in the Town’s Spring Street area. In coordination with MassDOT, improvements included the installation of traffic signals, geometric improvements related to bicycle accommodations at the intersections of Concord Avenue at Spring Street, and Hayden Avenue at Spring Street, as well as the installation of approximately 5,000 linear-feet of sidewalk and bicycle accommodations along the northerly side of Hayden Avenue from Spring Street to Waltham Street. A portion of this project crosses a culvert and lies within a 100-foot buffer consisting of a wetland, and a 200-foot riverfront area. BSC was responsible for the collection all necessary traffic data, existing conditions survey, obtaining all necessary permits, and the complete traffic/civil design of the project.