National Grid and Liberty Utilities Lebanon, NH
Mount Support Substation Expansion
BSC provided ecological, licensing and permitting services to National Grid and Liberty Utilities for the Mount Support Substation expansion and new 115kV tap line project. The purpose of this project is to upgrade existing electric transmission facilities in Lebanon, NH by removing an existing cross-country 13.8kV distribution line from the Wilder Switching Junction to the Sachem Junction. This consisted of installing a new cross-country 115kV transmission tap line supported on 27 new transmission poles from the Wilder Switching Junction to the Mount Support Substation, as well as expanding the station and upgrading ROW access from the Wilder Switching Station to the Mount Support Substation.
Also critical were the permits BSC obtained, which included: the NH Division of Historical Resources Request for Project Review; NH Department of Environmental Services Major Impact Wetlands Permit; US Army Corps of Engineers Programmatic General Permit; Lebanon Zoning Board of Appeals Special Exception and Variance; and the Lebanon Zoning Board Site Plan Approval. A rare plant survey was performed within the project ROW, concentrating on the area designated as the “highest ranked habitat in the biological region”.
Both wetland and upland areas within the ROW and the NHB designated habitat were evaluated. The forested areas adjacent to the ROW were also investigated.