National Grid Cape Cod, MA
Mid-Cape Gas Main Replacement
BSC provided compliance services to the Mid-Cape Gas Main Replacement Project, which includes the installation of 16.5 miles of a 200-psig replacement main in the Towns of Yarmouth, Dennis, Harwich, and Brewster, MA. Installation of the replacement main utilized the “stove pipe” method of construction, however, jack-and-bore and/or HDD techniques were used if open trenching was not feasible.
The project is located in the 100-foot buffer zone to wetland resource areas, bordering land subject to flooding (BLSF, floodplain), 200-foot riverfront area, and land subject to coastal storm flowage, and zone II wellhead protection area. Work was conducted within federal and state listed rare species habitat. BSC was responsible for weekly compliance inspections and team conference calls, on-site coordination with the construction team, NPDES SWPPP updates, and environmental compliance training for all construction crews.
Prior to project start, BSC coordinated with applicable Conservation Commissions regarding the project schedule and completed environmental compliance training for construction crews.