Essential Power Pittsfield, MA
MCP Services
BSC Group staff provided LSP services for the remediation of a kerosene fuel oil (K-1) release from the delivery system of a jet turbine generator co-located at the electrical power substation in Pittsfield. The kerosene release occurred in January 2019 during a start-up test of the jet turbine when a fitting failed and 354 gallons of K-1 spilled inside the jet turbine building, eventually leaking into the soils outside the building and below the adjacent control building. This release triggered a 2-hour notification under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP).
Essential Power conducted Immediate Response Actions (IRAs) to recover what kerosene and impacted soils they could. BSC oversaw the initial IRA activities and performed additional site investigations. BSC ultimately filed a Permanent Solution with Conditions under the MCP. The conditions included placement of an Activity and Use Limitation (AUL) on the property.