MassDOT Oaks Bluffs/Tisbury, MA
Lagoon Pond Bascule Bridge Replacement
BSC served as the prime consultant, providing ecological, environmental permitting, and survey services to MassDOT for the replacement of the bascule bridge carrying Beach Road over Lagoon Pond in Oak Bluffs/Tisbury, MA. The bridge was structurally deficient when BSC was selected to assist with the design and permitting for permanent replacement of the bridge.
BSC integrated ecological resiliency into the natural and altered coastal ecosystem directly adjacent to the project area through ecological assessments and the planning efforts for salt marsh replication and eelgrass restoration activities. Services included ecological investigations for the identification of eelgrass, salt marsh, and wetland resource areas, essential fish habitat assessments, rare and endangered species assessments as well as permitting services, which included Section 10/Section 404, Section 401, US Coast Guard Bridge, MA Coastal Zone Management Consistency Determination, Massachusetts Endangered Species Act, and Section 4(f) and 6(f) permitting and support.