City of Gardner and Town of Palmer Gardner and Palmer, MA
Complete Streets Prioritization Planning
BSC developed a 5-year Prioritization Plan of the City of Gardner and also produced a similar plan for the Town of Palmer. These efforts were part of the MassDOT’s Tier 2 Complete Streets Funding Program. To assist the City of Gardner and the Town of Palmer, BSC provided technical assistance to develop a prioritization plan to be submitted to MassDOT by these localities.
BSC services including transportation planning, public participation, existing conditions inventory, and a complete streets/context sensitive design. We compiled all available data relevant to the understanding of the transportation networks and infrastructure, evaluated existing systems and gaps with respect to bicycle, pedestrian, and transit systems and reviewed and identified projects to be included in the plan.
With BSC’s expertise and assistance, the City of Gardner received $327, 949 and the Town of Palmer secured $178,000 in construction funding under the program.
BSC also provided design services for the implementation of crosswalk design upgrades for the Town of Palmer, which was one of the prioritized improvements from the planning study program.