City of Boston Parks and Recreation Department Boston, MA
Expansion Plan for Fariview and Mount Hope Cemetery
BSC Group was retained by the City of Boston Public Works Department to design a master plan for a two-acre cemetery expansion and gateway improvements at the Mount Hope cemetery located in Roslindale as well as a master plan a three-acre cemetery expansion at the Fairview Cemetery located in Hyde Park. Comprehensive services provided by BSC included civil/site engineering, land use/site planning, landscape architecture, and land surveying. The design included the installation of 1,075 double-depth lawn crpyts; wrought iron ornamental fencing and matching masonry improvements at the gateway entrance to the Mount Hope Cemetery; design and specification of soil spoils management areas to allow for future interment capacity at each cemetery; and public bidding, preparation of plans and specifications, bid evaluation, construction administration, and survey stakeout/as-built services.