City of Marlborough Marlborough, MA
Evergreen Cemetery Master Plan
BSC Group prepared a detailed master plan for the City of Marlborough’s 68-acre Evergreen Cemetery. The master plan included the compiling of various GIS data including two-foot contour intervals and wetlands mapping, site observations, soil testing, and existing burial area documentation which was then used to complete a master plan for the remaining grave space on the existing cemetery, which ultimately resulted in a 200-year plan for the town. Based on projected cremation rates, demand for grave and niche space, fee structures, and various site restrictions drawings were prepared to a preliminary design level of the entire cemetery. Consideration was also given to maximize the grave space near wetlands including alteration of wetlands and flood plain with compensatory measures and storm water best management practices. A vacant central area was planned to serve as a focal point upon entering the cemetery to provide cremation niche spaces, a flag presentation patio, and a small veterans area.