Waterbury, CT
Design Improvements to Waterbury Schools
BSC Group has provided various design maintenance, expansion, and improvements to numerous schools in Waterbury, CT. Services we have provided the City for these improvements projects have included civil engineering, traffic engineering, permitting, construction phase services, facility assessment, programming, landscape architecture, master planning and utility design. Below is an overview of projects in which BSC has provided services for in the City of Waterbury.
- Wilby High School and Joseph F. Kennedy High School: Feasibility study and comprehensive facility evaluation/needs assessment for new athletic facilities
- Crosby High School: Engineering design for athletic field and track improvements, performing a conditions study of the site topography, pedestrian access, vehicular circulation and parking, ADA compliance, conditions of court and field surfaces, emergency maintenance vehicle access, environmental constraints, and surficial soil evaluations
- Waterbury Career Academy School: BSC provided civil engineering and traffic engineering services for the design of a new 144,000 sf school to serve 800 students as an intra-district magnet school in the City of Waterbury
- Waterbury Enlightment and Alternative Special Education Program Center: Provided survey, civil engineering, and landscape architecture design services to “renovate as new” for the existing 40,000 square foot facility into an alternative learning program for Waterbury’s middle and high school aged students with behavioral and truancy problems