City of Lowell and Lowell Parks & Conservation Trust, Inc. Lowell, MA
Concord River Greenway
BSC Group provided permitting and landscape design services for the Concord River Greenway, a multi-use pathway linking Downtown Lowell and the Rogers Fort Hill neighborhood through a network of walkways between key urban features. The greenway provides passive recreational opportunities associated with the river including walking, biking, bird watching, and access for rafting, kayaking, and canoeing. The project offers residents a cultural and recreational resource as well as a regional tourism attraction. BSC addressed ADA accessibility, as well as design elements including gateways, overlooks, site furnishings and coordination with an artist who was responsible for adding artwork to site furnishings, rails, benches, and trash receptacles.
In addition, BSC environmental scientists and regulatory specialists have worked with the project team to identify a permitting strategy in support of such issues as riverfront development and river crossings.