City of Beverly Beverly, MA
Coastal Waterfront Resiliency Plan
BSC Group worked in coordination with the City of Beverly Planning Department to develop a Waterfront Resiliency Plan for the City of Beverly. BSC prepared the grant application for the project, funded by the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Coastal Resilient Grant Program, and coordinated the efforts of a diverse set of local, regional, and statewide stakeholders referred to as the Beverly Resiliency Team (BeRT) to collect data, undertake community engagement and education initiatives, and ensure regionally collaborative planning efforts.
BSC modeling was used to conduct an Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment for critical infrastructure within identified coastal study areas. This information was paired with GIS processing to facilitate a series of community engagement, education workshops, and stakeholder assessment initiatives. In July 2017, the City of Beverly publicly released the “Beverly Waterfront Resiliency Plan” (available on the City website.) This resiliency plan will be used as a guidance document as the City prepares their upcoming capital plan and seeks funding for additional resilience work.