Our People
Lee Curtis
President, Team Lead - People & Culture
lcurtis@bscgroup.com -
David Biancavilla, PE, LEED AP
Vice President, Team Lead - Engineering
dbiancavilla@bscgroup.com -
Michael Clark, PE, LSP
Vice President, Environmental Engineering
mclark@bscgroup.com -
Brooke Coleates
Vice President, Director of Operations
bcoleates@bscgroup.com -
Brigitte Doolan, CPA
Vice President, Chief Financial Officer
bdoolan@bscgroup.com -
Sean Ewald, PLS
Vice President, Team Lead - Geomatics
sewald@bscgroup.com -
Jef Fasser, AICP, LEED AP
Vice President, Team Lead - Community Design Resilience
jfasser@bscgroup.com -
Robert Newton, PE, LEED AP
Vice President, Senior Civil Engineer
rnewton@bscgroup.com -
Sam Offei-Addo, PE, PTOE
Vice President, Team Lead - Transportation
soffeiaddo@bscgroup.com -
Kelly O’Neill
Vice President, Team Lead - Business Development
koneill@bscgroup.com -
Theresa Portante
Vice President, Director of Ecology Services
tportante@bscgroup.com -
Matthew von Wahlde
Vice President, Team Lead - Software and Data Integration
Senior Associates
George Andrews, GISP
Senior GIS Analyst
gandrews@bscgroup.com -
Ricardo Austrich, PLA
Landscape Architect
raustrich@bscgroup.com -
Caseylee Bastien, RLA
Landscape Architect
cbastien@bscgroup.com -
Matt Burne, PWS
Senior Ecologist
mburne@bscgroup.com -
Matthew Creighton, PWS
Coastal Scientist
mcreighton@bscgroup.com -
Gillian Davies, PWS, RSS, NHCWS, CESSWI
Senior Ecologist/Natural Climate Solutions Specialist
gdavies@bscgroup.com -
Taylor Dowdy, PE, LEED AP
Civil Engineer
tdowdy@bscgroup.com -
Kathryn Eagan, PE
Transportation Engineer
keagan@bscgroup.com -
Heather Gould, AICP
Director of Planning
hgould@bscgroup.com -
Jesse Harris, PLA
Landscape Architect
jharris@bscgroup.com -
Mike Healey, PLS
Land Surveyor
mhealey@bscgroup.com -
Kieran Healy, PLS, CFM
Land Surveyor
khealy@bscgroup.com -
Alison Hunt, SPHR
Director of Human Resources
ahunt@bscgroup.com -
Melissa Kaplan, PWS
Team Lead, Licensing and Permitting
mkaplan@bscgroup.com -
Katie Kemen, MBA
Director of Climate Resilience Services
kkemen@bscgroup.com -
Paul Knapik
Environmental Scientist
pknapik@bscgroup.com -
Kellan Lewis, PE
Transportation Engineer
klewis@bscgroup.com -
Paul Martin
Senior Ecologist
pmartin@bscgroup.com -
Alison Milliman, CPESC
Ecological Scientist
amilliman@bscgroup.com -
Micah Morrison, PE, SE
Structural Engineer
mmorrison@bscgroup.com -
William Paille, PE
Transportation Engineer
wpaille@bscgroup.com -
Dominic Rinaldi, PE, LEED AP, BD+C
Civil Engineer
drinaldi@bscgroup.com -
Adam Sloat, PLS
Manager, Remote Sensing
asloat@bscgroup.com -
Christopher Thomas, PE, LEED AP
Civil Engineer
cthomas@bscgroup.com -
Kenneth Thompson
Survey Specialist
kthompson@bscgroup.com -
Frank Vacca, PE
Civil Engineer
fvacca@bscgroup.com -
Diana Walden
Environmental Scientist
dwalden@bscgroup.com -
Bryan Wentworth, PE
Civil Engineer
bwentworth@bscgroup.com -
Joe White, PE
Project Manager
jjwhite@bscgroup.com -
Scott Wilson
IT Director
swilson@bscgroup.com -
Brian Yergatian, PE, LEED AP
Civil Engineer
Kelsey Andrews
Senior GIS Analyst
kandrews@bscgroup.com -
Ryla Aneta
GIS Administrator
raneta@bscgroup.com -
Sarah Barnum, PhD, CWB
Wildlife and Rare Species Specialist
sbarnum@bscgroup.com -
Nicole Brudner
Project Controller
nbrudner@bscgroup.com -
Steve Cammuso
Business Development Specialist
scammuso@bscgroup.com -
Tiffany Capobianco
Project Manager
tcapobianco@bscgroup.com -
Lindsey Carle, CESSWI
Ecologist and Climate Adaptation and Resilience Specialist
lcarle@bscgroup.com -
Truman Cavallaro, NHCWS
Ecologist/Wetland Scientist
tcavallaro@bscgroup.com -
Jonathan Chartrand
Sr. Software Developer - Geonetics
jchartrand@geonetics.com -
Greta Coan
Marketing Manager
gcoan@bscgroup.com -
Steven Cohen
Land Surveyor
scohen@bscgroup.com -
Jay Croteau
Survey Specialist
jcroteau@bscgroup.com -
Christina Cuevas
Communications Manager
ccuevas@bscgroup.com -
Erasme da Cruz
Environmental Monitor
edacruz@bscgroup.com -
Todd Dawidowicz, PLS
Senior Land Surveyor
tdawidowicz@bscgroup.com -
Emily Derrig, PE
Civil Designer
ederrig@bscgroup.com -
Eric Duong
Systems Administrator
eduong@bscgroup.com -
Josh Fitzgibbons, EIT
Structural Designer
jfitzgibbons@bscgroup.com -
Nemy Genido
Land Surveyor
ngenido@bscgroup.com -
David Guerriero, PE
Civil Engineer
dguerriero@bscgroup.com -
Paul Hagist, PLS
Land Surveyor
phagist@bscgroup.com -
Carolyn Gorss Holowczak, PWS
Ecological Project Manager
cholowczak@bscgroup.com -
Deborah Horgan
Administrative Assistant
dhorgan@bscgroup.com -
Christopher Ingemi, PE
Structural Project Engineer
cingemi@bscgroup.com -
Hana Isihara
Environmental Permitting Specialist
hisihara@bscgroup.com -
Mark Jones
Environmental Engineering Group Leader
mjones@bscgroup.com -
Eric Joseph, RLA
Landscape Architect
ejoseph@bscgroup.com -
Alessandra Keller, PE
Senior Structural Engineer
akeller@bscgroup.com -
Sara Kreisel, PWS
Ecological Project Manager
skreisel@bscgroup.com -
SingNing Kuo, RLA
Landscape Architect
skuo@bscgroup.com -
Thomas Landro, EIT
Transportation Designer
tlandro@bscgroup.com -
Paul Mancuso
Wetland Scientist
pmancuso@bscgroup.com -
Virginia Martell
Project Manager
vmartell@bscgroup.com -
Catarina Martinez
Senior Resilience Planner
cmartinez@bscgroup.com -
Patrick McIver
Land Surveyor
pmciver@bscgroup.com -
Chris McNary, PLS
Senior Survey Project Manager
cmcnary@bscgroup.com -
Carley Narciso, EIT
Civil Designer
cnarciso@bscgroup.com -
Sarah Noelle
Human Resources Specialist
snoelle@bscgroup.com -
Andrew Pagan
GIS Analyst
apagan@bscgroup.com -
Linh Pham
Project Accountant
lpham@bscgroup.com -
Nathan Philippi
Land Surveyor
nphilippi@bscgroup.com -
Tomer Rabinowitz
Landscape Designer
trabinowitz@bscgroup.com -
Hannah Raddatz
Wetland Scientist
hraddatz@bscgroup.com -
Mary Rieves
Administrative Assistant
mrieves@bscgroup.com -
Hailey Ritchey
Staff Accountant
hritchey@bscgroup.com -
Johnathan Rivera
Marketing and Proposal Specialist
jrivera@bscgroup.com -
Sam Saba-Farmer, EIT
Transportation Designer
ssabafarmer@bscgroup.com -
Rachel Salch, PLA
Landscape Architect
rsalch@bscgroup.com -
Priyanka Shrestha
Scientist and Environmental Permitting Assistant
pshrestha@bscgroup.com -
Ethan Sneesby
Wetland Scientist
esneesby@bscgroup.com -
Knowles Spofford, EIT
Junior Transportation Engineer
kspofford@bscgroup.com -
Ana Stamenkovic
Survey Technician
astamenkovic@bscgroup.com -
Matt Stephan, PE
Project Engineer
mstephan@bscgroup.com -
Marleigh Sullivan
Ecological Scientist
msullivan@bscgroup.com -
Honora Lovelace Tisell
Project Manager
htisell@bscgroup.com -
Rachel Toews
Ecologist/Wildlife Technician, Environmental Monitor
rtoews@bscgroup.com -
Robert Tyler
Wetland Scientist
rtyler@bscgroup.com -
Lincoln Versoy
Survey Specialist
lversoy@bscgroup.com -
Scott Wauchope
Land Surveyor
swauchope@bscgroup.com -
Scott Wesson
Manager of Information Systems