Russ Burke, AICP and Jef Fasser, RLA, AICP, LEED AP will be attending the Massachusetts Association of Planning Directors Annual Conference this Thursday and Friday in Hyannis, MA. This year’s theme is Making It Happen, with sessions that will explore methods and case studies that assist planners in taking plans from vision to implementation.
Russ will serve as moderator for the session titled ‘MassEcon ReadyMass 100 Site Location Program’, which will discuss the Program and how it was originally created to provide a state wide clearing house of development opportunities that participated in the program. The panel will provide an overview of the program and the eligibility and evaluation criteria for inclusion on the list.
Jef will serve as moderator for the ‘Addressing Obstacles while Bringing Vision to Implementation’ session. Many communities invest valuable time, resources and public outreach to develop a community vision and revitalization plan, only to have their efforts halted by unforeseen obstacles, such as changes in the economy, team members and other issues that negatively impact project execution. This panel will highlight two communities, Easthampton and Quincy, that overcame such obstacles to implement their exciting revitalization projects.
The MAPD Annual Conference will bring hundreds of planners, city officials and developers to Hyannis to hear the panels speak about so many interesting topics!
For more visit http://massplanningdirectors.org/?page_id=894