BSC Group has been proud to support the Town of Windsor, CT, in its latest enhancement to the community’s public safety program by providing engineering for the Public Safety Building, which opened its doors last week. The new police headquarters occupies 30,000 square feet of an expanded 65,000-square-foot building that also houses the Town’s Department of Public Works. Features of the new facility include enhanced areas for meetings, dispatch, physical training, and locker rooms. Outside the building, a covered carport for police vehicles has been designed for future installation of solar panels.
BSC Group provided integrated civil and traffic engineering, ecological, and land surveying services to support the project. Our role included land record and utility research to review data pertaining to the existing utilities at the site, as well as delineation of wetland boundaries, performance of a field survey, and preparation of an existing conditions plan. BSC’s site engineering tasks included developing sanitary, stormwater and utility designs for the facility’s parking areas, as well as catch basins, detention/retention areas, and footing drains. BSC also provided traffic documentation, trip generation development, investigation of sight lines for all driveways, and review of traffic analyses.
BSC Group serves as an on-call consultant to the Town of Windsor. Our work for the Public Safety Building was completed as a member of Kaestle Boos Associates’ team.