Support for Communities Applying for Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has announced an exciting program to help municipalities conduct climate change vulnerability assessments and resiliency planning. Called the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program (MVP), the grant opportunity will provide technical assistance funding for communities to identify and prepare for risks associated with climate change. An important element of this program is the…Read MoreBSC Presents Beverly Resiliency Plan at North Shore Technology Council Workshop
This week Katie Moniz PE, AICP, CFM and Ingeborg Hegemann, PWS presented the City of Beverly's Waterfront Resiliency project at the North Shore Technology Council Sustainability Forum. BSC's work with the City of Beverly stems from a $90,000 grant from the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management (CZM) to identify potential impacts of sea level…Read MoreBSC Surveyors Recognized at MALSCE Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Massachusetts Association of Land Surveyors featured many highlights for our team. Sean Ewald, PLS concluded his term as the organization's president. Dana Standley, PLS received recognition as Surveyor of the Year. Steven Cohen LSIT earned the award for Plan of the Year. And finally, our president David Hayes, PE provided…Read MoreBelmont Complete Streets Project Earns ACEC Award
The Belmont Street/Trapelo Road reconstruction project was honored with a bronze award through ACEC's Engineering Excellence program. Project manager Peter Briere, PE and client Glenn Clancy, PE of Belmont took to the stage to accept the honor. Long before the term Complete Streets came into vogue, the Town of Belmont and BSC Group were putting…Read MoreTaylor Dowdy Presents at NAIOP I.CON 17 in Toronto
Taylor Dowdy, a civil engineer with BSC traveled to Toronto, Ontario to present at the NAIOP I.CON 17 conference. Taylor is part of the design team for the Martignetti headquarters project located on a former brownfield site at Myles Standish Industrial Park in Taunton, MA. Presenting in collaboration with Ware Malcomb and Mass Development Corp.,…Read MoreChase Bernier Presents at MassDOT’s Innovation and Technology Transfer Exchange
BSC wildlife biologist Chase Bernier gave a special presentation at MassDOT's 2017 Innovation and Technology Transfer Exchange. Presented in collaboration with Timothy Dexter and Jessica Kenney of MassDOT, the program provided an overview of the MassDOT wildlife accommodation strategy, passage structure options, best management practices, and follow up monitoring efforts, with a focus on the…Read MoreConstruction to Begin on Blackstone Gateway Park in Worcester
An enthusiastic audience attended a City of Worcester meeting announcing the upcoming construction of Blackstone Gateway Park. The culmination of more than a decade of planning and design, the project's construction will begin on April 1. The park is located on 34 acres alongside the Middle River. Envisioned as an urban wild, the park will…Read MoreBSC/Geonetics Project Aids MBTA Accessibility Initiative
The MBTA announced plans to relocate more than 100 bus stops due to accessibility issues associated with them. Using data collected by BSC field teams and compiled in a Geonetics-designed custom software application, the MBTA identified and prioritized inaccessible bus stops. In an article appearing in the Metro Boston newspaper, MassDOT secretary Stephanie Pollack stated,…Read MorePeter Reed Quoted in USA Today Article on Complete Streets
Peter Reed, PE, a senior transportation engineer and project manager, was tapped to comment on a USA Today article discussing alternative transportation devices. Peter discussed how the Complete Streets design process is accommodating a variety of roadway users, saying, "We used to design roads from the inside out, first for cars, then pedestrians and cyclists.…Read MorePages: