On-Call Survey Services for MassDOT
BSC Group provides a variety of on-call survey services to support various contracts with MassDOT. Under two separate contracts, BSC provides full-time survey crews for engineering field services that aid in the construction of MassDOT projects throughout northeastern Massachusetts and Worcester County. BSC also provides baseplan preparation services in southeastern Massachusetts, which services include right-of-way…Read MoreMassDOT On-Call Environmental Services
BSC Group is providing on-call construction assistance to assure compliance with environmental permits for construction of state and interstate roadways and highways to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s Construction Division. Expertise provided includes erosion and sedimentation control inspection, roadway design and layout guidance during construction, wetland science, water quality science, and rare and endangered species…Read MoreMassDOT Bridge Preservation
The bridge preservation improvements for MassDOT bridges are intended to address localized deterioration consistent with bridges that are approximately halfway through their 75-year service lives, enabling said bridges to conclude their remaining service lives with greatly reduced repair and maintenance costs. BSC Group has performed localized steel, concrete deck, and waterproofing membrane repairs, as well…Read MoreMassDOT Bridge Inspections, Ratings, and Rehabilitation
BSC Group has provided bridge inspection services, statewide, for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. Under this contract our structural engineering team members have performed field inspections and prepared reports for numerous structures. Bridge types inspected have included a full range of concrete, steel, timber and masonry structures. Inspection data was collected and compiled in accordance…Read MoreI-290 Bridges Rehabilitation
BSC Group provided bridge rehabilitation and preservation design services for 12 bridges along I-290 in Worcester, MA, which involved the design of stringer replacements, deck slab modifications for continuity, and bridge roadway joint replacements. One of the largest—and most complex—jobs involved the 8-span, 1,600-foot bridge carrying I-290 traffic over multi-lane ground level roadways and water.…Read MoreRoute 31 Reconstruction
BSC Group prepared and submitted a semi-final roadway design addressing safety issues, providing a continuous sidewalk for the entire length of the project, solving longstanding drainage issues, and proposing areas for special gateway treatments to further enhance the aesthetics of the village in Coventry, CT. The reconstruction of Route 31 is CTDOT’s Context Sensitive Solutions…Read MoreMassDOT Park and Ride Facilities – Northampton and Whately
BSC Group prepared environmental permitting, preliminary and final plans, specifications, and cost estimates as well as engineering services and advice during construction associated with two park and ride lots in the City of Northampton and the Town of Whately for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. Work included parking lot layout design, pedestrian crossings, signal and…Read MoreMassDOT High Crash Locations On-Call Services
Working under an on-call contract, BSC Group has been providing traffic engineering services to address high hazard locations throughout MassDOT’s District 5. Many of these projects are marked by the need to effectively manage the schedule to allow for continued project funding, with adequate time for local and state permitting, as well as MassDOT review.…Read MoreKneeland Street (District 6) Parking Lot Improvements
BSC Group provided engineering design services for the reconstruction of a MassDOT parking facility located at 185 Kneeland Street (District 6) in downtown Boston. The parking lot provides space for 157 vehicles. In keeping with MassDOT's "GreenDOT" implementation plan, the parking lot upgrade was designed with parking stations for plug-in hybrid vehicles as well as…Read MorePages: