
Walden Pond Resource Management Plan and Visitor Center

BSC Group was retained to prepare the ecological and traffic components of the Resource Management Plan and Visitor Services Master Plan for Walden Pond State Reservation, an approximately 371-acre Historic Landmark located in historic Concord, MA. BSC conducted an ecological evaluation of existing conditions around the pond and within the Reservation. The site contains mixed deciduous…Read More

Silver Sands State Park and Walnut Beach

BSC Group was retained by the Connecticut Department of Construction Services to provide planning, site design, and landscape architecture services for the extension of an existing boardwalk at Silver Sands State Park, as well as the construction of a new boardwalk at Walnut Beach in Milford, Ct. The new boardwalk totals approximately 3,800 feet and…Read More

Open Space Initiative and Land Trust Alliance

BSC Group is providing climate resiliency outreach for northern New England land trusts. Outreach efforts provide climate science and GIS expertise to guide land trusts as they incorporate climate resiliency into their strategic conservation plans. BSC is providing technical outreach on the use of the North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Collaborative's Conservation Planning Atlas, hosted on…Read More

Hen’s Cove Dredging and Beach Nourishment

BSC Group worked with the Town of Bourne, Department of Environmental Protection, Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act Program, and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACOE) to complete a 27,000-cubic yard maintenance dredge and beach nourishment project at Hen Cove in Bourne, MA. An important aspect of the project was incorporating decades of USACOE and…Read More

Reconstruction of Canaan Southfield Bridge

BSC Group balanced rapid construction techniques and structural/highway engineering services for the reconstruction of Canaan Southfield Road Bridge over the Umpachene River in New Marlborough, MA. BSC worked with the Town’s accelerated schedule and in just ten weeks completed the design and bid package, along with the submission of the necessary environmental permits. BSC designed…Read More

County Road Bridge and Culvert Replacement

The Town of Sheffield—looking to replace a bridge over Ironwork Brook, and a culvert over an unnamed tributary—retained BSC Group for roadway planning and profiling, wetland delineation, hydraulic analysis, and survey services for both features. BSC prepared a Notice of Intent, and an Army Corps of Engineers permit application for each crossing and the wetland…Read More

Washington Avenue Reconstruction

BSC Group designed roadway, infrastructure, streetscape improvements, and survey services to the Washington Avenue corridor, a heavily traveled roadway extending from the Revere Beach Parkway to the Chelsea City Hall area. The corridor passes through several key intersections that were targeted for pedestrian and vehicular safety improvements. In response, crosswalks, geometric improvements, and traffic islands…Read More

Stratford Greenway Extension

BSC Group was retained by the Town of Stratford for the planning and conceptual design of a 2.5-mile extension of the town’s riverfront Bikeway/Greenway. This portion of the project will extend the existing off-road portion of the bikeway/greenway to the Stratford Town Center with several “spurs” connecting to points of interest along both the Stratford…Read More

Spring Street & Hayden Avenue Roadway Reconstruction

BSC Group provided professional consulting services to the Town of Lexington for traffic signalization and roadway reconstruction in the Town’s Spring Street area. In coordination with MassDOT, improvements included the installation of traffic signals, geometric improvements related to bicycle accommodations at the intersections of Concord Avenue at Spring Street, and Hayden Avenue at Spring Street,…Read More

Neponset River Esplanade Greenway Trail

Linking urban neighborhoods with the Boston Harborwalk and public transit stations, the Neponset Greenway is a visionary public trail that incorporates dedicated paths with on-street bike lanes along an eight-mile corridor. BSC Group has been involved in numerous phases of the planning and design of the trail, which begins at Mattapan Square on the Boston/Milton line…Read More