
Houghton’s Pond Recreation Area

Acting as a subconsultant to HKT Architects, BSC Group was responsible for permitting, erosion and sedimentation control, and stormwater management for the construction of a new bathhouse and providing universal access to DCR's Houghton’s Pond Recreation Area. BSC's responsibilities included preparing the Notice of Intent and supporting DCR in obtaining an Order of Conditions from…Read More

Hammond Pond Parkway Renovation

Assisting the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), BSC Group is designing a full-depth roadway reconstruction of Hammond Pond Parkway in the City of Newton. The final design will achieve a total re-channelization of the corridor to implement a road diet that will include pedestrian and bicycle accommodations, as well as streetscape design elements…Read More

Phragmites Inventory at Hockomock Wildlife Management Area

On behalf of the Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, BSC documented and mapped the current Phragmites australis within the Hockomock Swamp Wildlife Management Area in the Towns of Bridgewater, Easton, and Raynham. The project area encompassed 2,446 acres of the almost 17,000 acres that comprise Hockomock Swamp. BSC developed a geodatabase of all Phragmites…Read More

Main Street Complete Streets Design

The Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments (MetroCOG), in partnership with the Town of Stratford, selected BSC to design a variety of improvements within Stratford Center along a ¾ mile segment of Main Street (Route 113). BSC's design includes a variety of roadway intersection improvements, wide multi-use walkways, lighting, and other means of ensuring safe commuting.…Read More

Complete Streets Prioritization Planning

BSC developed a 5-year Prioritization Plan of the City of Gardner and also produced a similar plan for the Town of Palmer. These efforts were part of the MassDOT's Tier 2 Complete Streets Funding Program. To assist the City of Gardner and the Town of Palmer, BSC provided technical assistance to develop a prioritization plan…Read More

Village Center Streetscape

In collaboration with the Town of Farmington's local officials, BSC Group worked on a streetscape improvement project for the Village Center. BSC aimed to balance the economic needs of the city with the functionality of the town’s day to day operations. Specifically, BSC provided an integrated team including urban designers, landscape architects, planners, engineers, and…Read More

Horseneck Beach Campground

BSC Group was selected to provide planning and design services for improvements at the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s (DCR) Horseneck Beach Campground in Westport. The campground, which is among one of the most popular of DCR’s facilities, was in need of site-wide improvements to provide a more efficient, sustainable, resilient and enjoyable camping experience.…Read More

George Tirado Sr. Park

BSC Group was selected by the Waterbury Development Corporation (WDC) to design a new recreational facility on an abandoned five-acre property. During our previous on-call contract with Waterbury, BSC worked with city stakeholders to develop a master plan for the potential redevelopment of the Mad River Corridor, which consisted of five city-owned brownfield parcels along…Read More

Commercial Triangle Area Urban Renewal Plan

Within the City of Everett’s 3.43 square miles, BSC Group continues to provide planning and engineering services positioning the Everett community for economic growth via both private and public investment. The City selected BSC to prepare an Urban Renewal Plan (URP) to facilitate revitalization for their Commercial Triangle Area. The 110-acre Commercial Triangle Area is…Read More

Bridge Replacement Designs

BSC was selected by the Town of Colrain to complete full bridge replacement designs for the Adamsville Road Over Tisdell Brook Bridge and Call Road over Fox Brook. Prior to these awards, BSC had previously partnered with the Town to prepare MassDOT Small Bridge Municipal and MassWorks Infrastructure grant applications, through which funding was secured…Read More