
Millbury Master Plan

BSC Group worked with the Millbury Planning Department and town residents to prepare a comprehensive master plan for the Town of Millbury. Our staff worked closely with the Master Plan Steering Committee, who provided valuable input for all master plan elements, along with extensive community outreach and public engagement. The project included existing conditions analysis…Read More

Bolton Master Plan Creation

BSC has guided the Town of Bolton and worked in partnership with the Master Plan Steering Committee to update the Town’s Master Plan. The updated Master Plan included elements required by M.G.L.c.41, §81D and ensured consistency with regional planning efforts. A robust public engagement process including an interactive mapping exercise, charette, and online survey helped…Read More

Fitchburg Urban Revitalization Plan

BSC provided expert guidance and support to the Fitchburg Redevelopment Authority (FRA) in completing the URDP Amendment #9 for the Fitchburg Downtown Urban Revitalization and Development Plan. This major amendment was approached as a new plan, revising the Urban Renewal Plan (URP) boundaries, goals, objectives, and actions to focus on revitalizing Main Street, enhancing the downtown…Read More

Stoughton Center Revitalization

BSC Group was selected by the Stoughton Redevelopment Authority (SRA) to assist in the completion of an Urban Renewal Plan (URP) as an effective means of stimulating economic development improvements, both public and private, throughout Stoughton Center. The SRA completed prior URP planning efforts that provided a basis for BSC to finalize a URP for state…Read More

Athol Master Plan Update

BSC completed a partial update of the Town’s Master Plan. We conducted community outreach and updated two existing chapters of the Town’s Master Plan and created a new chapter related to public health. The project included creation of a vision statement, top goals and objectives, and updated chapters pertaining to Open Space and Recreation and…Read More

Massachusetts Local Rapid Recovery

BSC Group participated in this program as both Plan Facilitators and Subject Matter Experts. Each Rapid Recovery Plan was developed across three phases between February – August 2021. This multi-phase process included: Diagnostic assessment that documented existing physical, zoning, and business conditions Public engagement Development of project recommendations based on each community’s unique circumstances and…Read More

West Chatham Neighborhood Center Buildout Analysis

BSC Group worked with the Town of Chatham’s Department of Community Development to conduct a buildout analysis for properties located in the West Chatham area. The intent of the analysis was to provide data to understand the potential increase in development density, in particular housing, within the study area. BSC’s Landscape Architecture team created maximum…Read More

Worcester Miyawaki Forest

The City of Worcester was recently awarded a grant through the Commonwealth’s Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Program, administered by the MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. BSC planners and landscape architects are assisting the City with the design and planting of two Miyawaki Forests as well as the design of two additional CoolPockets…Read More

Shores of Change: Climate Resiliency Outreach for Coastal Floodplains and Wetlands

BSC worked with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management to develop effective and visually engaging multimedia products to explain: Purpose and functionality of coastal floodplains How they support climate resilience, and prevent or minimize storm damage and flooding Why protecting and restoring coastal floodplains is crucially important…Read More

Yarmouth Local Comprehensive Plan

BSC Group is working closely with the community of Yarmouth on its Local Comprehensive Plan (LCP), which will identify goals, initiatives, and projects to meet the needs and desires of the community over the next 5, 10, and 20 years. The LCP builds upon the Town’s 2021 Vision Statement and will include evaluation of existing…Read More