Congratulations to Ingeborg Hegemann, PWS, a BSC principal and chairman of the board of directors, for being featured as one of the New England Real Estate Journal’s 2018 Women in Real Estate. The spotlight article highlighted Ingeborg’s 37-year career in the real estate industry.
As part of the article Ingeborg commented, “My involvement with the redevelopment of the Alewife area in Cambridge has been a strong influence, beginning as a wetland scientist providing permitting strategy, and continuing over the years with an amazing team of developers, lawyers, planners, engineers, and surveyors. I have seen not only the redevelopment of the former Arthur Little property, but also projects along Cambridge Park Dr. I am most proud that as I have transitioned my responsibility at BSC as chairman of the board now, my involvement has transitioned to younger professionals within BSC and our services now include climate adaptation strategy and ecological restoration.”