Senior vice president Ingeborg Hegemann, PWS participated in a panel discussion as part of the Real Estate Bar Association’s Spring Conference. Entitled “Trials and Tribulations of the New FEMA Flood Maps,” the program focused on the effects of the revised FEMA maps and their impact on land development and real estate law.
Ingeborg’s contribution to the panel discussion involved a description of the new maps, a discussion of changes to the FEMA program as a result of the Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 (the Biggert-Waters Act), the public response to increases in flood insurance premiums, and the subsequent changes from the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act (Grimm Waters Act). A special feature of the presentation considered climate adaptation strategies in light of potential future hurricane events.
In addition to Ingeborg, program contributors were Scott Horsley and Jim Smith. To view their presentation please click on the attached PDF file below.