“Wetlands in a Changing Climate: Science, Policy & Management,” co-authored by BSCer Gillian Davies and published in Volume 38, Issue 2 of WETLANDS, the official scholarly journal of the Society of Wetland Scientists, has had a great impact on the wetland scientific community. The article is currently in the 97th percentile of the 298,811 tracked articles of similar age in all journals on
publisher platform SpringerLink and the 93rd percentile (ranked 2nd) of the 15 tracked articles of similar age in WETLANDS. It has been viewed 31,000 times and referenced 143 times. Major topics discussed in the article include the climate vulnerability of freshwater and saltwater wetlands, their importance in storing carbon and providing climate resilience, and strategies to protect these critical ecosystems. Huge congratulations to Gillian and the rest of the co-authors of this incredible article! Check it out here.