On behalf of BSC Companies, Inc., I am writing to let you know that we hope you, your family, and your friends are safe and secure during these trying times. And that we acknowledge that the COVID-19 response will present unprecedented challenges that will require cooperation, flexibility, and our collective best. For more than five decades, BSC Group has served as a trusted advisor to our clients throughout New England. Given the uncertainty and seriousness of the challenges today, we feel that it is especially important to let you know that we value the trust that you place in BSC. Be assured that we are doing our part to “flatten the curve” while also honoring the commitments that we have made to you, our clients, and the communities that we live and work in.
While placing the health and safety of our colleagues and clients at the forefront, we’ve taken the following steps to continue to serve you.
- Our office in Connecticut will close later today and our offices in Massachusetts will close tomorrow in compliance with the emergency orders issued by the Governors of each state. Most of our staff began transitioning to working remotely on Monday, March 15th so that we could continue to meet our commitments to you. Over 90% of our staff are now working seamlessly and safely from their homes thanks to our recently updated technology infrastructure and secure VPN. The remaining will be set up to work remotely by today and tomorrow.
- BSC is listening and adapting to your requirements. We are hosting video-conference calls and sharing project documents on our secure systems to enable collaboration while limited in-person meetings are allowed as we support clients that are deemed essential per the emergency orders. We have also instituted a no car-pool policy for field crews traveling to job sites where it is safe to work and in support of these clients.
- We are providing enhanced cyber security training to all of our staff to mitigate the risks associated with working remotely.
- We continue to encourage social distancing and frequent hand washing for our staff that are working in the field in support of work that is critical and allowed.
We recognize that as the current situation evolves, your needs and priorities will also change. We will continue to work with you while we do our part to prevent the spread of the virus. As always, our team is available to serve you. We can be reached by phone, email, and text. Please feel free to contact me directly on my cell at 781-548-9061 or email me at sobrien@bscgroup.com if you’d like to discuss our COVID-19 response, your project needs, or any other concerns.
Wishing you good health,
Sean P. O’Brien, PE
President and Chief Executive Officer