On October 4th, BSC presented at a workshop sponsored by Coastal Carolina Tomorrow (CCT). The workshop focused on wetland permitting after the Carabell/Rapanos Guidance, which has affected the process by which the US Army Corps of Engineers claims jurisdiction of wetlands.
The resulting regulation has affected North Carolina’s statewide permits to impact wetlands, resulting in a gap between the existing permits that allow fill of State waters and the new federal jurisdictional requirements. The state is hoping to have the new permits developed by late November to impact these waters. Until these permits are developed, the wetlands that fall between federal jurisdiction and the state status of “isolated” are considered unable to be permitted. With new NC environmental regulations developing monthly lately, the topic was of much interest. The session was a great success and BSC has an open invitation to speak again.
CCT, comprised of development professionals as well as lawyers, architects, engineers, contractors, planners, and financial lending institutions, promotes public and private sector collaboration to improve the quality of life in southeastern North Carolina’s coastal communities.