BSC is excited about our expanding commitment to New Hampshire to meet our clients’ needs. Following our office opening in Manchester in 2020, we’ve been steadily growing our team. We are thrilled to add local survey skills with two new hires.
Steven Casey, LLS brings over 25 years of experience to his role as Senior Land Surveyor, 15 years of that as a NH Licensed Land Surveyor. He has extensive knowledge of deed research, field techniques and taking a plan from field to finish. The last several years Steven has gained broad experience in the organizing and coordinating of ALTA/NSPS Title Surveys. He is also planning on sitting for both the Maine and Vermont PLS examinations.
Born into a land surveying family, Randy Ladd has been involved in the profession his entire life. Starting in the field with many years as a crew chief to eventually moving inside to drafting, Randy brings 20 years of AutoCAD drafting experience in both the civil and structural design disciplines. Randy is passionate about his work and continues to develop his skills as software and needs evolve. #LandSurveyors #BuildSupportConnect