BSC Group will support the Town of Stratford, CT in its efforts to extend the Greenway path along the Housatonic River. Working with the town’s Engineering, Planning, and Zoning departments, BSC will study several possible routes that will help connect various areas of town and encourage tourism. The goals of the project include maximizing public access, maintaining the existing scenic views, protecting natural resources, promoting economic development, and reducing maintenance costs.
BSC’s study will consider potential on- and off-road bikeways and walkways, as well as the environmental impact of each. Much like the various alternative transportation projects currently under way across the country, this project is intended to serve as a Complete Streets initiative, ensuring safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities.
For more visit http://www.stratfordstar.com/31246/town-plans-greenway-extension-sees-linked-system/