Each year, the Connecticut Building Congress (CBC) recognizes projects that have exemplified excellence through successful team collaboration, from consultant to owner. BSC Group was honored to receive first place in the Transportation / Utility / Civil category this year for our design of the Route 31 Roadway Reconstruction project in the Town of Coventry.
The Route 31 reconstruction project was funded through the Context Sensitive Solutions Grant, a program initiated by the federal government to encourage states to be more flexible in their approach to roadway projects and to adjust their designs to better fit the project’s existing, sensitive environment. As the prime consultant for the project, BSC assembled a team that was capable of achieving such a design and worked closely with CTDOT, Town staff, and key project stakeholders. Over the course of the project’s lifetime, the design team worked in concert to develop a design that maintained the historic purity of the village, protected and treated adjacent wetlands, and improved roadway safety.