BSC presented the University of Connecticut with final construction documents and submitted design documents to the Connecticut Department of Transportation (ConnDOT) for a comprehensive plan for campus bicycle routes. The project, a task assignment under BSC’s on-call contract with UConn, supports the University’s goals of improving and promoting bicycle transportation on campus.
BSC evaluated, planned, and prepared design materials required to construct the route that will traverse approximately 28,000 linear feet of campus and adjacent state roads. BSC conducted preliminary assessments of proposed bicycle routes, evaluated existing roadway geometries for their ability to support bicycle traffic based on American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standards, and prepared preliminary bikeway plans for presentation and review by University officials and ConnDOT.
The University anticipates that the bikeway will be constructed in the Spring of 2012. Kurt Prochorena, PE, LEP, LEED AP serves as project manager on the project with engineering support from Frank Vacca, EIT.