The Boston Children’s Museum project has received a 2009 Honor Award for Design Excellence from the Boston Society of Architects as part of their Sustainable Design Awards program.
The project’s architect, Cambridge Seven Associates, was recognized for the project’s numerous sustainable elements, including a green roof, gray-water systems, water-saving plumbing fixtures, energy-efficient lighting and elevators, multistory daylighting, recycled or rapidly renewable materials, and locally produced products.
The Boston Society of Architects’ jurors commented, “The intelligent expansion of the museum’s visitor services and extensive gallery renovation has created a wonderful place to educate children about sustainability hand-in-hand with the other educational programs.”
BSC Group served as the civil engineer for the project, offering a sustainable design approach that incorporated water reclamation and recycling systems and renovation that will intercept, treat, and recycle stormwater for use in toilet flushing and irrigation.
The jurors recognized this contribution, stating, “We appreciate that the landscaping and building are carefully integrated to offer exceptional stormwater management and protection of the adjacent Fort Point Channel.”
BSC Group also prepared technical aspects of a Section 319 Non-Point Source Pollution Control Grant application resulting in $500,000 in funding from the MA Department of Environmental Protection pollution prevention program.