BSC’s Gillian Davies was invited to attend the “North American Blue Carbon Experts and Partners Meeting: Science for Policy” from October 4th through 6th, 2016, in Falmouth, MA, and sponsored by the Commission for Environmental Cooperation. This tri-national (Mexico, Canada, and U.S.A.) meeting of Blue Carbon scientists and policymakers discussed the state of the science for Blue Carbon, and policy opportunities and initiatives across North America, and worked to identify research needs and next steps in developing meaningful Blue Carbon policy at the international, national, provincial/state, and local levels. In addition to work sessions, the group was privileged to visit the Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, where they observed the “Bringing Wetlands to Market” project research site, and the Herring River restoration project site at the Cape Cod National Seashore, Wellfleet, MA. The photo of the group standing on the beach includes Society of Wetland Scientists members (from left to right: Gail Chmura (McGill U.), Tim Purinton (MA Div. of Ecological Restoration), Ariana Sutton-Grier (NOAA and U. Maryland), Gillian Davies (SWS President and BSC Group, Inc.), Cathleen Wigand (EPA), Meagan Gonneea (USGS), Lisamarie Windham-Myers (USGS), and Kevin Kroeger (USGS).